The Effect Of Price, Sales Promotion, And Trust On Purchase Decisions At PT Star Multi Exchange Medan


  • Silvia Tanjaya Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Ricky Rafii Ritonga Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Novelia Universitas Prima Indonesia
  • Dennis Gatot Universitas Prima Indonesia


Price, Promotion, purchasing decisions


The research objective is to price, sales promotion, and trust in purchasing decisions at PT Star Multi Exchange Medan. This research approach is based on a quantitative approach. The population in this study amounted to 167 consumers of PT Star Multi Exchange Medan and the number of samples in this study were 118 consumers. The sampling technique used was random sampling. Data collection techniques used questionnaires, interviews and documentation studies. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that partially and simultaneously Price, Sales Promotion and Trust have an effect positive and significant to the Purchase Decision at PT Star Multi Exchange Medan.


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How to Cite

tanjaya, silvia, Ritonga, R. R., Novelia, & Gatot, D. . (2023). The Effect Of Price, Sales Promotion, And Trust On Purchase Decisions At PT Star Multi Exchange Medan. International Journal of Comparative Accounting And Management Science (IJCAMS), 2(1), 18–23. Retrieved from




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