The Influence of Profitability, Liquidity, Debt Management, Dividend Policy, Company Size on Consumer Goods Company Value on the Indonesia Stock Exchange
Profitability, Liquidity, Debt Management, Dividend Policy, Company Size , Firm ValueAbstract
This study aims to examine the effect of profitability, liquidity, debt management, dividend policy, company size on consumer goods company value on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This study used a causal research method and the technical sampling used was a purposive sampling method and obtained a research sample of 32 companies with a research year period of 3 years, namely 2019-2021. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of testing the hypothesis on the effect of profitability on firm value is that profitability has a significant positive effect on firm value with the results obtained, namely t-count 4.432 > t-table 1.66123. The results of testing the hypothesis on the effect of liquidity on firm value is that liquidity has a significant negative effect on firm value with the results obtained that is t-count -3.298 > t-table 1.66123. The results of testing the hypothesis on the effect of debt management on firm value is that debt management has a significant positive effect on firm value with the results obtained, namely t-count 2.321 > t-table 1.66123. The results of testing the hypothesis on the effect of dividend policy on firm value is that dividend policy has a significant positive effect on firm value with the results obtained, namely t-count 12.245 > t-table 1.66123. The result of testing the hypothesis on the effect of firm size on firm value is that firm size has no effect on firm value with the results obtained that is t-count 0.822 < t-table 1.66123. The results of simultaneous hypothesis testing, namely profitability, liquidity, debt management, dividend policy, firm size simultaneously affect firm value. The results obtained are F-count 38.685 > F-table 2.311.
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